
Jaw Droping 360 Pano of Night Sky!


Photographer captures largest photograph of night sky ever. In order to take this, Nick Risinger had to trek over 60,000 miles across the western United States and South Africa starting in March 2010, according to You can view the original article Here.

The image is a composite of 37,000 separate images. You can view the whole interactive panorama HERE. Zoom and traverse the HD night sky in true color.

Now this is one of the most amazing endeavors I have seen in the photography world in a while. I think it deserves some credit. I don't know about some of you, but I will be gawking at this photo for some time, learning and spotting constellations  around the galaxy. 

Nick Risinger is actually a photographer and designer from Seattle, Washington. You may not know his name, but he is the guy behind the iPhone and iPad app "Sky Guide."

How to find your heart in the negative(space)

This weekend we decided to go on an impromptu camping trip to the Shenandoah mountains in Virginia.   Despite being caught in traffic and arriving an hour later than we expected, not bringing enough wood to cook dinner, putting the tent up wrong in the dark, forgetting a pot to boil water for coffee in the morning, it was still an amazing trip. 

Nothing could go wrong that would make these views any less spectacular (well, besides maybe having no coffee, but being the resourceful wilderness explorers we are, we found a camp store that sold some).  The mountains behind mountains behind mountains created a backdrop to a fantastic weekend. 

After our night of epic fails, we packed up early and set out to hike a 5km journey down to some gorgeous waterfalls.  

And, we never expected to see this many stars only a few hours from DC.   Who could be mad about eating a balanced dinner of s'mores ( our carbs), trail mix ( some protein), and wine (err...fruit?) when looking up at a sky like that.

All in all, our trip was saved by the beauty of the Shenandoah's.